
Welcome to Nothing But Comics!Ā Our main goal here is to build the best comic book community there is out there. We hope you keep coming back to rate and talk about comics.

Things to look forward to on this website:

* Weekly New Comic Book Lists ā€“ Every Monday we will list new comics arriving on Wednesday that we recommend in addition to a direct link to TFAWā€™s listing for the week and will be sharing our pull lists in the comment section below with the community.

* This Weeks FinestĀ ā€“ The staff will be rotating Comic of the Week Reviews.

* Uncover the Best Covers Ā ā€“ Only the best covers will do.

* Freeze Frame! Weeks Best Comic Book Moments! ā€“ We take a few pages from the weeks comics that deserved to be highlighted and talked about.

* All this as well as individual articles & reviews from the NBC staff


The Staff


Alex Rupp (ā€œHead Dork in Chargeā€)

Bio: Many Christmases ago, my mom and dad gave me a short box full of random comics.Ā  They were mostly DC and Marvel books the LCS owners figured they would either never sell or would bring in new readers.Ā  I remember pouring over the issues of Legends of the Dark Knight (this was my first experience with Grant Morrison as the set included his ā€œGothicā€ run) and X-Factor (forever cementing my love of the X-Men).Ā  Due to not knowing anyone else who read comics, school, and lack of funds, I fell out of reading comics.Ā  It wasnā€™t until three years ago that I entered back into the world of monthly comicsā€¦and I entered head first!Ā  (My picture was taken by my fiancĆ© Sarah while visiting the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland.Ā  Sarahā€™s name now marks the top of the short box I received long ago.Ā  She needed somewhere to store her issues once I turned her on to comics.)


Josh Rector

Bio:Ā I go by IthoSapien, or Itho for short. Iā€™ve been collecting comics since I was 13 and Iā€™ve been at it ever since with a few brief periods of stopping. Recently, Iā€™ve committed myself to buying mostly DC with some IDW, Dark Horse, and Image thrown in for variety. Iā€™m a big Sci-Fi guy, but I love comedy and adventure stuff too. I like to mix things up every now and then. My all-time favorite series is Hellboy. My favorite character right now is the Flash. That stuff may change in a few years. In short: I love comics, and I like to have fun. Iā€™m also an aspiring comics writer/artist. Hopefully soon Iā€™ll have some stuff to show if anyoneā€™s interested.

Marc Specor (Editor-In-Chief)

Bio: Ā Marcā€™s been reading comic books off and on since I was six years old depending on whether or not I had the money to buy them. Later, with a job, Iā€™ve been able to afford comics ever since. My favorite superheros are Daredevil, Batman and Wolverine meaning that really my favorite superhero is Frank Miller in the 1980ā€™s. I follow both writers and artists and Iā€™m always looking for new voices that are trying to do something interesting with the medium. Love Sci-Fi and Crime fiction. I am also passionate about music especially the kind that uses vulgar and rhythmic spoken word poetry over old re-purposed songs, sports especially ones featuring the Knicks and Vikings, technology especially the kind that makes me money and dogs especially the ones who trade me there undying love and affection for food and board.


Creighton Blinn (Assistant Editor)

Bio:Ā One of my earliest comics-related memories would be my mom giving me two issues (ThunderCatsĀ andĀ Labyrinth) to keep me occupied during a family dinner out. A few years later I would be reading numerous titles, visiting the comic shop weekly, and attending conventions. In the early 90s, I fell under the spell of Neil Gaimanā€™sĀ Sandman,Ā which remains after all these years one of the greatest stories Iā€™ve ever read. Eventually came college, and I fell out of the regular monthly habit, though I never abandoned comics entirely. Then one day, hearing about Marvelā€™sĀ Civil WarĀ intrigued me enough to give it a try, and, well, I was hooked back in again. When not obsessing over comics, Iā€™m writing stories and poetry, watching movies, listening to music, and simply enjoying life in Brooklyn with my lovely wife.

The One Who Knocks

Dean Manness

Iā€™m the comic book newbie. Ā I had a lot of exposure to superheroes and comic book characters in my youth through TV and movies but never actually picked up a comic book. Ā The first comic book I ever read was The Killing Joke on December 26th 2012. After that there was no turning backĀ Ā I now spend all my free hours either reading comics or reading about comics. Ā I run a book of the month club with 5 friends who never picked up a comic book until I put it their hands. Ā This is a medium I canā€™t believe I was missing all my life. Ā I am a huge Batman fan. The first comics I read after The Killing Joke were Year One, Dark Knight Returns, The Long Halloween, Arkham Asylum, and Hush. Ā After that first week of only Bat books I explored other titles. Ā Some personal favorites are Y The Last Man, Preacher, Locke and Key, Watchman, X-men and Thor. Ā I like a wide range of stuff, I am looking for a great stories to connect to. Ā Currently just trying to make a dent in my bedside table.

Tyler Reed


My name is Tyler, and Iā€™ve been an avid comic fan for about four years now. Being late to the comic book party only served to make me delve deeper into this fantastic world. Thanks to sites like iFanboyā€“and now NBC!ā€“I found a wonderful community of people to discuss my newfound hobby with on a daily basis. My favorite characters include Hellboy/BPRD/Mignolaverse, Daredevil, Loki, the F4/FF, and of course Batman. Though since Iā€™ve joined the ranks of the Wednesday faithful, I have broadened my horizons and read a variety of different books by many different amazing creators.
When Iā€™m not reading comics, I enjoy watching moviesā€”especially Criterionā€”and devouring TV shows. Iā€™m also into mountain biking, vegetable and bonsai gardening, drinking craft beers and fine scotch, hanging out w/ my 3 year-old nephew Enzoā€”the worldā€™s biggest Jabba the Hutt fan, reading prose booksā€”currently in the middle of the dark tower seriesā€”playing board games, studying to become a Landscape Architect, and long walks on the beachā€”Oops! wrong bio. In the Fall Iā€™ll be moving to San Luis Obispo, CA to complete my degree, and I couldnā€™t be more excited. Iā€™m stoked to join the ranks of NBC! staff, and I hope you guys enjoy my contributions to the site. I encourage constructive criticism because thatā€™s the only way Iā€™ll improve, so donā€™t hold back. See you all in the comments!

Reed Beebe

Reed Beebe writes fiction in Kansas.Ā  In addition to his work at Nothing But Comics, Reed has been published byĀ Heavy Metal,Ā Flashes in the Dark, andĀ Chilling Tales for Dark Nights.


Katharine Hanifen

My name is Katharine Hanifen. Ever since I was little, Iā€™ve loved superheroes, especially Batman and Spider-man. One of my earliest memories is dressing up as Batman for Halloween. Growing up, my favorite cartoons were always Batman The Animated Series and the 4Kids Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Through TMNT 2003, I discovered the masterpiece that is Usagi Yojimbo. When I first picked it up in the fifth grade, it was love at first panel. Usagi continues to be one of my favorite books. Iā€™ve always loved comics, but it wasnā€™t until the seventh grade and the release of The Avengers that I dove in headlong; picking up the classics: Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The Sandman, Knightfall and many others. My favorite genres are urban fantasy, science fiction, and mystery. Iā€™m so excited to be joining the NBC Team and I hope you all enjoy my contributions!

Logo Graphic Designer
Tim Hobbs Manness

Tim Hobbs Manness is a Graphic Designer and Comic Book lover from Winnipeg, Canada. Heā€™s been collecting comics for 25 years and has seen the landscape of comics change drastically over that time. He started with Spiderman, Punisher and Moon Knight and now enjoys Fatale, Hawkeye and Star Trek. Tim was excited to be a part of the logo contest and wanted to create something simple, to the point, and orange. He hopes to one day create a graphic novel of his own and take part in a comic convention.

Founder of NBC!
Erik Hanson (The Original Head Dork in Charge)

Bio: Started seriously collecting comics with 1983ā€™sĀ Atari Force. Soon followed by Swamp Thing which opened the DC universe to me. Up until 1989-90 I was all DC, but I was seduced by the dark side of the force ā€“ namelyĀ X-ForceĀ and the early 90ā€™s craze of over the top art work and lack of story (see Image Comics). It would take DCā€™sĀ PreacherĀ to bring me back to my senses.

Disclosure of Transparency

Nothing But Comics wants its readers to have confidence in the accuracy, fairness, and integrity of its content.Ā  To ensure transparency, the site has adopted the following policies on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest:

Nothing But Comics believes it can best serve the comics medium and its readers by providing honest information, critique, and commentary.Ā  This site encourages its contributors to provide such content, and will never censor content out of concern that an article or review might alienate a creator or publisher.


Nothing But Comics encourages creators and publishers to provide materials (comics, graphic novels, books, etc.) for its review.Ā  When contributors review such materials, the review will note that the materials were provided free to the site for review.
Should a publisher or creator pay for advertising on the site, reviews of all materials from the publisher or creator will note this information.


Should Nothing But Comics review materials created by a current or former contributor to the site, the review will note that the creator is a current or former contributor.


Contributors that have a current professional relationship with a publisher are not allowed to write content about the publisher.Ā  Examples of a current professional relationship with a publisher include, but are not limited to: a) the contributor currently works for the publisher; b) the contributorā€™s work is currently published by the publisher; c) the contributor is currently seeking publication or employment with a publisher.Ā Ā If a contributor has a past professional relationship with a publisher, this information will be disclosed in content written by the contributor concerning the publisher.


Nothing But Comics currently has no financial relationship with any comics publisher, media company, or creator.Ā  Should such financial relationships develop in the future, the site will disclose these relationships in any content related to the respective comics publisher, media company, or creator.