Review of Michael Jordon: Bulls On Parade
Anybody reading this in my age group probably has a similar experience to mine in regards to the obliquity of Michael Jordon. From as far back as I remember Jordan was everywhere and inescapable. Not enough that he completely dominated his sport but also that he basically cast his shadow across all of pop culture in some way or another. There was the many musical crossovers and tributes to the man, the oh so many product endorsements, the movies both real and imagined and the shoes; those gloriously over priced, sleek and beautiful sneakers that will surely outlast the man himself. To understand Jordanâs significance to the world of sports is to acknowledge that itâs basically accepted by all generation that he was the greatest basketball player ever without question or debate and his individual dominance of that sport is without precedence. To look at Jordanâs impact on a large scale is almost unquantifiable because for my generation he is the nuclease of all things cool. But thatâs Jordan the legend; Jordan the man is something entirely different thatâs shrouded in secrecy and ambiguity. Whatâs brilliant about Wilfred Santiagoâs Michael Jordon: Bulls On Parade is how it works to reconcile the two sides of the person the public believed he was and the person he might actually be. Itâs an empathetic and exciting whirlwind of a story that spans across decades of tragedy and triumph to come out the other side with a portrait that could only end with a certain level of complex ambiguity. Bulls isnât a full on autobiographical comic but instead an intense dream like journey that contrasts the big moments in Jordanâs career with the big moments happening in America. Thereâs Jordanâs first championship, Magic Johnsonâs HIV diagnosis, the LA riots, his fatherâs brutal murder, retirement, minor league baseball, the return to the NBA, the flu game, the final shot on Byron Rusell and then all these small details of a life in between. Santiago humanizes Jordan in a few ways and they are all pretty brilliant in their own right. The first and most simple is to give him a voice in his most personal moments, I donât know how much of this actual history and how much of it is conjecture on the authors part but in any case the quiet moments have the biggest impact on how Jordan is perceived in the text. Itâs moments like when heâs a young boy singing in a bath tub, a young man sitting in the driver seat of his Ferrari floored at the news of his friends HIV Diagnosis, a young couple on a birth day date, Jordan exclaiming âLooters gonna lootâ in exasperation, bugging out with his dad to spend the night in Atlantic City ect all of it works to show Jordan for what he is underneath, which is just a regular ass dude thatâs incredibly driven. The second is to contrast this portrait of Jordan with the perception of him in the media and that disconnect. Itâs become popular for sports writers to basically worship at the feet of Jordan the player and hold him as a bench mark of which all other NBA players should aspire towards. Part of the major disconnect between Lebron James undeniably superior talent and the absurd amount of criticism he receives basically comes down to him or his game not being like Michael Jordan. But that wasnât always the case and Bulls does great work in reminding people how much shit Jordan took, and really how much shit black celebrities in general have to take, during his time in spotlight. The way Santiago highlights what was often coded racism is an excellent criticism of sports coverage that we sadly still havenât moved on from. The third way that Bulls humanizes Jordan is in how it operates in a sort of high paced blur of the protagonist life reflecting the perspective as it had to feel to Jordan as he lived through this one of a kind unreal experience of being the most famous person on the planet for being unequivocally the best at what he does. Every thing is done is these borderline surreal flashes that gives a certain level of empathy for Jordanâs perspective. The art is key in the way it presents this idea as it beautifully renders the narrative with itâs lush and flowing style of visual storytelling intersected with vibrant color work. It does great work to push across ideaâs and insights that are spot on as the work veers into fantasy within the context of Jordan playing professional basketball. Thereâs particular points where you see Bill Lambeer portrayed as a monster in Hanibal Lector style confinement until heâs let out on the court or Pat Rileyâs Knicks as these hulking oversized goons that are just brilliant plays on the personaâs of the actors in addition to the fluid nature of reality that almost anyone can relate to whose played the sport of basketball extensively, itâs the kinetic and frantic pace that can make it feel like nothing else in the moment (basically not how my favorite team currently plays it). I know from personal experience that participating in the game has played a significant role at key points in my life and when itâs the crux of your existence while playing with literal super humans there has to be a level of transcendence from the elemental world that is indescribable. For all the Santiagoâs fantastic art moments in Bulls itâs those parts that stand out, the glitch in reality that could really only be described with art as there isnât words in practical language that can explain it. Iâve wrote before that NBA players are like real life superhumanâs and by that logic Michael Jordan is Superman, the alpha and omega. So how else would you tell his story but with a comic book?