Skeets Interviews the Prez Creative Team
At Nothing But Comics, we’re excited to read the upcoming Prez series from DC Comics, by creators Mark Russell and Ben Caldwell. So we tasked DC Comics’ futuristic robot Skeets with asking the two creators an important question about the character.
@Manruss @bencaldwellart Skeets has a question for you about the upcoming #DCComics #Prez pic.twitter.com/YfMhSl1Xkk
— Clockpunk Ellis (@ClockpunkEllis) March 17, 2015
@ClockpunkEllis @bencaldwellart Can Prez call in a drone strike?
— Mark Russell (@Manruss) March 17, 2015
@Manruss @bencaldwellart Ha! Of course.
— Clockpunk Ellis (@ClockpunkEllis) March 18, 2015
@ClockpunkEllis @bencaldwellart In that case, Prez. Until public opinion swings in Solomon Grundy’s favor, anyway.
— Mark Russell (@Manruss) March 18, 2015
@ClockpunkEllis @Manruss that’s a trick question — prez has been working for undead americans’ interests long before now. victory: PREZ.
— ben caldwell (@bencaldwellart) March 18, 2015
The Skeets character is the property of DC Comics and is used here as a not-for-profit fan parody.