Updated: All The New October 2015 Marvel Series Via Bleeding Cool
In addition to the Warren Ellis project, Bleeding Cool is announcing several new Marvel series & creative teams. They are as follows:
Update: Newsarama confirms The Vision series by King & Walta
Sean Ryan & Cory Smith will be taking over Nova
Writer Nick Spencer & artist Daniel Acuna will be taking over Captain America from Rick Remender & Stuart Immonem
Jeff Lemire & Humbert Ramos Extraordinary X-Men is confirmed from this interview on CBR
New Avengers title relaunching with writer Al Ewing & artist Gerardo Sandoval
S.H.I.E.L.D will be relaunched as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D with writer Marc Guggenheim taking over on writing duties and artist Mike Norton becoming the full time series artist
Writer Gerry Duggan & artist Ryan Stegman will be taking over Uncanny Avengers from Rick Remender & Daniel Acuna
Scarlet Witch series written by James Robinson
Carnage series from Gerry Conway & Mike Perkins
Ultimates comic in the mainline Marvel continuity by Al Ewing & Kenneth Rocafort
New Illuminati series by Joshua Williamson & Shawn Crystal
New Vision series from Tom King & Gabriel H Walta
Mike Costa will be continuing Spider-Verse as Web Warriors with artist David Baldeon
Daredevil by Charles Soule & Ron Garney
Uncanny X-Men by Cullen Bunn & Greg Land
Extraordinary X-Men by Jeff Lemire & Humberto Ramos
All New X-Men by Dennis Hopeless & Marc Bagley
New X-23/Wolverine by Tom Taylor & David Lopez
Venom: Spaceknight by Robbie Thomas & Ariel Olivetti
Howling Comandos of S.H.I.E.L.D by Frank Barbiere & Brent Schoonover
Angela Relaunch With Marguerite Bennett remaining as the main writer on the series and art from Stephanie Hans & Kim Jacinto
Deadpool relaunch by Gerry Duggan & Mike Hawthorne
Writing duties on Old Man Logan will be taken over by Jeff Lemire with Andrea Sorrentino remaining on art.
Thor, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Ms Marvel, Amazing Spiderman, Legendary Star Lord, Howard The Duck, Spider-Woman, Hawkeye, Spiderman 2099 & Silk will also feature the same creative teams that are currently writing the books.