In 1983, Ray Palmer’s life went through a bit of an upheaval. His adventures as the super-powered, shrinking hero Atom...
Batwoman by Esad Ribic Bizarro by Evan “Doc” Shaner Tom Servo by Erica Henderson Black Panther by Mike Henderson sketch...
The placement of half-page, double-spread Twix ads in comic books published by DC Comics has sparked a controversy within the...
Comics, like movies, are a visual media. They are a form of storytelling intimately tied to images. Words alone will...
By Matt Kindt & Trevor Hairsine This week, Matt Kindt brings his Divinity series to an emotionally satisfying conclusion. For the past...
By Andrew MacLean Andrew MacLean’s new graphic novel ApocalyptiGirl: An Aria for the End Times takes a familiar setting and...
A year ago, Marvel revived the original 31st Century Guardians of the Galaxy. They resurfaced in a back-up story to...
Following its strong debut, the Scarlet Witch’s new series has developed into a reliable pleasure. The potentially risky decision to...
Dead Drop #1 by Ales Kot & Adam Gorham Valiant’s new four issue limited series Dead Drop opens with a bang, immediately plunging...
After three years, a trio of solo films, and a seemingly endless parade of trailers, Marvel’s Avengers sequel finally arrives...